In Practice习作,

棉花柳原来是一种真的植物 - Just learned salix x leucopithecia is a real plant.....

In Practice习作,

石竹球的迷之花萼 - These Little Lovely Green Tricks

In Practice习作,

给自己的礼物 - Birthday Treat for Myself

In Practice习作,

遇见秋日的一簇暖阳 - Touching the Sunlight in the Late Fall

In Practice习作,

投入绚丽花海 我摘拾了最美的她们 - First-ever Self Practice from Flower Selecting to Arrangement

In Practice习作,

关于CALLA LILY的这些那些幻想 - All My Fantasies About Calla Lily

In Practice习作,

迷迭香的千面 - Thousand Faces of Little Rosemary
